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Living Well

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What is focus anyway? After Googling for a definition, the following elements of FOCUS really stand out for me: As an arts-informed educator, I like to think about concepts through materials, artwork, and creation-making. If we think about focus as a center within a defined space, like a focal point, a centrepiece, or a point […]

Looking for children to focus more? Try this!

Living Well

Child draws with a black pen, what looks like a plant in a jar with rocks at the bottom.
Misty, with her hands on her hips, faces two different paths on a dirt road, surrounded by tall grass and trees.

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I rarely give advice but people often ask me, how do I juggle it all and stay sane? “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” ~ S. S. Dhillon Do you ever feel like challenging the word “break” to describe time away from school? As a busy working mom, and long-time educator, I […]

One way to shift into an inquiry mindset, even when it’s hard

Living Well

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Are you looking to create a meaningful experience that both acknowledges milestones and achievements AND provides a sense of closure? I believe the secret lies in the design principle of UNITY. Unity brings your design’s components together in harmony to convey a cohesive idea or experience.  For me, cohesion feels calm and together. Closure to […]

Is your End-of-the-Year/Unit/Class feeling anticlimactic? You might be missing this essential concept.

Living Well

Image taken by Misty Paterson during her weeklong participation at Harvard University’s Project Zero Classroom in 2018.

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Wondering where to begin with Pop-Up Studio? 

This introductory guide equips you with a handful of content-neutral, research-based question stems and performance tasks you can use to help learners see relevancy in their work, build subject expertise, and evoke delight in learning. 

See Misty in action, and join alongside other educators as they explore Place as Provocation and Materials as Thinking Partners. The video includes a fun sheet to optimize engagement. Grab a pen, souvenir and dig in!

Pop-Up Studio is all about generating responsible relationships to the materials in our lives, to the ideas we’ve inherited, and ultimately, to each other and the natural world. Discover the philosophy, backstory, and inspiration behind the book now with this FREE introductory chapter.