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Want expert guidance to fulfill the IB mandates, bridge prescribed or scripted programs with your POI, and emphasize agency and artistry with staff and students? If so, you’re in great company!

Designing for and facilitating conceptual understanding is both the biggest hurdle AND the most essential way we make the PYP happen in school. I’ve successfully navigated the journey and have helped hundreds of educators to do the same. Will you be the next success story?

virtual workshop

Calling all IB PYP Leaders and Coordinators!

Concept Essentials: Zoom PD Series for IB PYP Schools

"The PYP curriculum framework begins with the premise that students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes people and their relationships to build a strong learning community."

― Source: IBO Website 

+ Improve teachers' planning for conceptual understanding through professional development and collaborative coaching sessions, as IBO recommendations 
+ Bridge scripted, mandated programs with inquiry-based teaching in synergistic ways
+ Integrate new curriculum resources within existing programs 
+ Update the P.O.I for depth, breadth, and interest 
+ Become more responsive for/with learners 
+ Support student and teacher agency and well-being

And leaders who are ready to:

  • Work responsively: Actively engage by being “on” and flexible according to teacher needs and desires
  • Step into their own artistry: Attend and participate in all sessions as learners, understanding that there are no short-cuts or magic bullets
  • Be playful: Model open mindedness, risk-taking, wonder, and delight
  • Take improvement seriously: Follow up with agreed-upon actions including documentation

Book Misty

For schools that want to:

Who is this for?

For less than some one-day workshops, you get…

Contact Misty

Treated like the VIP you are!


All indirect services/costs such as scheduling, emailing, and research and design tasks


5 x 30 min leadership coaching calls to ensure just-in-time learning through empathy building and strategic planning


5 x 90 min hands-on, experiential workshops where we practice the being and doing of concept-driven inquiry (yes, even over Zoom)


CONTACT misty 

Series Outline:

Consolidate + celebrate learning, provide clarity on next steps 

45min Celebration and Reflection
15 min leadership cheers/wrap up

Identifying Concepts & Topics and Why this Matters for Student Learning

1.5 hour Workshop 1 followed by
30 min Leadership Team Debrief 

Balancing Breadth with Depth: Macro and Micro Concepts 

1.5 hour Workshop 2 followed by 
30 min Leadership Team Debrief 

Creating Concept Clusters for Student and Teacher Interest 

1.5 hour Workshop 3 followed by 
30 min Leadership Team Debrief 

Building and Assessing Statements of Understanding and Central Ideas

1.5 hour Workshop 4 followed by 
30 min Leadership Team Debrief 

Establish personal why and series dates

30 min Discovery Meeting with Leadership Team

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

Purpose + Topic

Meetings + Duration

$4975 USD

Total cost for one school

7 hours

Total time for teachers

10 hours

Total time for leadership

Concepts are more than the key for understanding content. Appreciating (and wielding) concepts as dynamic, powerful forces is the gateway to being a lifelong learner and agentic leader. Knowing that the hidden curriculum is at play in everything, this series offers a practical path to think about, and intentionally plan, for equitable, accessible, inclusive, and ethical instruction. 

Why do this series now?

work with me

We want relevancy for and with our learners. We want opportunities to GROW teacher capacity, not lose it in the face of polarizing politics, AI, and teacher attrition. 

“This feels joyful”

“You filled my bucket”  

“You nurtured my artistry.”

“This is exactly what we needed.”

“Wow, concepts aren’t nearly as hard as I thought.” 

“I never realized the deep connection between concept-driven inquiry and social justice!” 

“ I went away into the weekend feeling energized, on fire and eager to implement the many ideas that were inspired by your discussions, activities and examples.” 

What do teachers say after a single session?

I'll get to work building and sharing resources


We'll hop on Zoom to calendar our meetings and secure payment

Let's Chat

Email me and request the Concepts Essentials Series 

Email Me

How to Book

Book Misty




Why Misty?

Denise Kraft, PYP Coordinator and GIBS Director of (IB) Conferences

“In so many situations, the subtext questions the professionalism of educators. Misty’s work is saying, ‘It doesn’t have to be that way! You (as a teacher) are still important! You are still a creative being.’ We need to hear that we can still be responsive to our students, in the moment! We’re talking about teacher and student well-being. This work is a lifeline to that.”

Dylan Gromen, PYP Teacher

“I truly got a lot out of both. So much so.... that I shifted my thesis topic!”

Brendan Donnelly, Elementary International Assistant Principal, PYP Coordinator

"I am enjoying the workshops and take something concrete out of each session. We discussed what we learnt at the Pedagogical Leadership Team meetings last week too." 

Read the Introduction

Watch a webinar

Download my mini-toolkit

Wondering where to begin with Pop-Up Studio? 

This introductory guide equips you with a handful of content-neutral, research-based question stems and performance tasks you can use to help learners see relevancy in their work, build subject expertise, and evoke delight in learning. 

See Misty in action, and join alongside other educators as they explore Place as Provocation and Materials as Thinking Partners. The video includes a fun sheet to optimize engagement. Grab a pen, souvenir and dig in!

Pop-Up Studio is all about generating responsible relationships to the materials in our lives, to the ideas we’ve inherited, and ultimately, to each other and the natural world. Discover the philosophy, backstory, and inspiration behind the book now with this FREE introductory chapter.