Meet my signature experience that started it all: Pop-Up Studio workshops! Interactive engagements for educators, parents, and children alike, my workshops combine research, hands-on materials, and compelling concepts within your curricula, empowering you to use your curiosity and ingenuity to create meaning. You’ll walk away with the lived experience necessary to lead from the heart, not just the head.
This is what learner agency is all about!
Designed to make PD memorable and transferrable, Pop-Up Studio workshops are perfect for educators PreK- Adult. Rekindle the pleasure of learning, co-create meaning, feel energized and inspired for sustained change, all within a matter of minutes.
+ From 60-minute to multi-day workshop delivered in-person or virtually
+ Research to answer the question: “Why play, concepts and materials?”
+ Real-life examples of how to “pop up” concepts for more engaging, memorable learning
+ Readily available, low-cost materials to engage with (material list provided for virtual workshops)
+ Inquiry into compelling concepts through hands-on experiences
+ Recommendations for next steps to integrate the Pop-Up Studio approach in your classroom
Need to teach for conceptual understanding through inquiry? Let's pop-up IB and B.C. curriculum mandates so you and your students experience powerful connections across your curriculum. Expect agency-building, artful, hands-on learning that can transfer directly to your practice.
+ Virtual delivery
+ Experience playful learning with concepts and materials to teach for conceptual understanding and transfer
+ Blend of CBCI and Pop-Up Studio approaches
+ Most immersive learning experience (and engaging PD investment!) imaginable
Need to teach for conceptual understanding? This foundational session clarifies the critical role of concepts for expertise and artistry.
Assess students' understanding while enriching your relationship with them? Here's three ways to do just that! Meet joyful practices that build community.
Want to create playful and thoughtful material experiences with learners including setting up studio spaces? Get inspiration, tips, and tools to pop-it-up!
Interested in a workshop and looking for content inspiration? Here are three of many popular topics just waiting to be launched with your learners! Got something else in mind? Great! Let’s create something together in my signature experience.
Tired of straddling the theory-practice divide alone? Imagine experiencing your teaching dreams, firsthand, with a trusted guide instead. That’s the power of a bespoke Pop-Up Studio experience. Reclaim the joy of teaching and your weekends!
+ Virtual or In-Person delivery
+ Experience playful learning with concepts and materials of your choosing, for maximum relevancy and transfer
+ Makeover your setting into an interactive Pop-Up Studio
+ Most immersive learning experience (and engaging PD investment!) imaginable
“Your presentation really demystified concept-based learning for my IB teacher candidates, as many referred to this and to your work in their professional growth plans. You definitely made an impact.”
“This is the kind of PD I love: When you come out feeling better than you went in.”
"I really loved how you invited us to share and take risks while stating that you respect our boundaries. I felt really secure in participating and that is not always easy for me. I would like to create that kind of a space for my students. "
This introductory guide equips you with a handful of content-neutral, research-based question stems and performance tasks you can use to help learners see relevancy in their work, build subject expertise, and evoke delight in learning.
See Misty in action, and join alongside other educators as they explore Place as Provocation and Materials as Thinking Partners. The video includes a fun sheet to optimize engagement. Grab a pen, souvenir and dig in!
Pop-Up Studio is all about generating responsible relationships to the materials in our lives, to the ideas we’ve inherited, and ultimately, to each other and the natural world. Discover the philosophy, backstory, and inspiration behind the book now with this FREE introductory chapter.